SSA - Social Services Agency.
Solicitation - a request for Quote, Bid or Proposal.
RFQ - Request for Quote is an informal verbal/written request for quotes for goods/services that due to the small monetary limit does not requires a formal solicitation.
IFB - Invitation for Bid is a formal solicitation of documents used for acquiring supplies, services or equipment from vendors/suppliers. SSA/Purchasing will evaluate the bids received and determine the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, then makes a contract award.
RFP - Request for Proposal is a formal solicitation from vendors/suppliers. An evaluation team chaired by SSA/Purchasing is comprised by three or more members selected based on their qualifications and expertise to review proposals and make the recommendation for award. The contract award is based on the highest score obtained on all pre-established evaluation criteria including the budget; however, the decision is not made solely on the lowest bid.