Overview-Fiscal Year 2019-2020, Budget Report
The Social Services Agency (SSA), operating under the policy directly of the Board of Supervisors and the California Department of Social Services and Health Services, is responsible for planning, implementing, and operating many of the social services programs provided by the County of Orange. A picture of the magnitude of the agency is reflected by the following statistics:
Annual Budget
The total budget for the County of Orange for Fiscal Year 2019-20 is $6.83 billion of which $969,677,961 is for the Social Services Agency’s operations and assistance budgets and balance funds.

Salaries and Benefits
Services and Supplies
Other Charges
Capital Assets
Transfer Out-To-Funds 2AA-299
Transfer Out-To-Funds 500-599
Intra-fund Transfers
Total Operations Appropriations
Total Operations Revenue
Operations Net County Cost
In-Home Supportive Services Provider Payments
Foster Care
General Relief
KinGAP Assistance Fund |
Total Assistance Appropriations
Total Assistance Revenue
Assistance Net County Cost
Total Operations and Assistance Appropriations
Total Operations, Assistance, & Facilities Appropriations
CalFresh Authorized/Issued (FY 2018/19)
IHSS Payments (FY 2018/19)
Medi-Cal Benefits (FY 2018/19)
SSA Donations & Fees (12S)
SSA Wraparound (12W)
SARC Lease Conveyance (102)
IHSS Public Authority (590)
Total Fiduciary Responsibility
Total FY 2019-2020 Board of Supervisors Authorized Budget
Total Fiduciary Responsibility
Total Financial Responsibility