The Continuum of Care Reform (CCR) was designed out of an understanding that children who must live apart from their biological parents do best when they are cared for in committed nurturing family homes. CCR, also known as AB 403, is a California legislative mandate designed to:
- Facilitate permanency for children in family-settings
- Reform group homes (currently referred to as Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTP)) and Foster Family Agencies (FFAs)
- Surround children, youth and families with needed services, resources and supports by strengthening collaboration and coordination among all service providers and County of Orange agencies, including but not limited to:
- Social Services Agency
- Health Care Agency
- Probation Department
- Orange County Department of Education
CCR supports children, youth and families across placement settings (from relatives to congregate care) in achieving permanency through:
- Increased engagement with children, youth and families
- Increased capacity for home-based family care
- Short-term, therapeutic, limited-use of congregate care
- Systemic and infrastructure changes, including but not limited to reimbursement rates, training, accreditation, accountability and performance, and mental health services.
Reliance on congregate care are limited to short-term, therapeutic interventions, which are just one part of a continuum of care available for children, youth and young adults.
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