Commercial Sexually Exploited Children ReportAs the Children and Family Services (CFS) Division Director with the County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA), I am pleased to share the Agency’s First Commercially Sexually Exploited Child (CSEC) program annual report. In this report, you’ll learn about the establishment of the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force (OCHTTF) and SSA’s role as a key member. The report further describes how collective task force efforts paved the way to help launch SSA's CSEC program, countywide CSEC Steering Committee and other innovative partnerships within Orange County. At the heart of these collaborative efforts is a steadfast multi-disciplinary team of county and community agencies, law enforcement, the Orange County District Attorney’s office and victim advocates who work together to advance public awareness and prevention efforts, mobilize innovative intervention services and offer specialized training to serve vulnerable youth who are victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation. Christine Snapper |