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How to Apply for General Relief

You can apply for General Relief Benefits by phone (800-281-9799), in person at select Social Services Agency office locations, or online at (To learn more about BenefitsCal, including new features and capabilities, click here.) Call Center hours are: Weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. To apply in person, please click the link below for a list of Social Services Agency offices where General Relief applications are accepted.

Social Services Agency offices

For applicants whose disability prevents them from getting to any Social Services Agency office, the following accommodations are available:  a home application, a phone interview, and appointments in any regional office or other community locations.  If you are unable to apply for GR in person due to a disability, please contact the Agency at if you are unable to apply for GR in person due to a disability, you may apply by phone or request a home application by contacting the Agency at 800-281-9799 and ask to speak to a supervisor.

Bus passes are available to applicants or recipients who need transportation to meet eligibility and verification requirements.

Application Process

Applicants must complete a GR Application, a GR Statement of Facts, a Repayment Agreement, and any other forms required by Agency procedures.

As part of the application process, the County will review GR responsibilities and requirements.  You will receive a copy of the agreement.  All applicants who are denied assistance will be provided a written notice of denial that includes the reason for the denial, the appropriate GR regulation, and appeal rights. 

Verifications Required

You will be asked to verify your circumstances in order to establish your eligibility to receive GR benefits.  Required verifications include but are not limited to:

  • Identification for all adults that apply
  • A Social Security card or other acceptable documentation from the Social Security Office
  • Verification of income or money received
  • Verification of any property
  • Registration with the CalFresh Employment & Training (CalFresh E&T)/ General Relief Work Program (GRWP)
  • Documentation verifying legal immigration status
  • Other necessary verifications may be requested as specified in the GR Regulations Manual