You can apply for CalWORKs by phone (800-281-9799), in person at select Social Services Agency office locations, or online at
- If you would like to apply for CalWORKs and you are a minor (under 18 years of age), never married, and either pregnant or have a child, then you must live with your parent(s), and your parent(s) must apply for you unless you meet an exception.
- CalWORKs applicants can apply for CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps) and Medi-Cal benefits when they apply for CalWORKs by using the same form.
- CalWORKs applicants will talk with an applicant worker after they have completed and submitted their application forms.
- However, if an emergency situation exists, the applicant should explain the situation and ask for help right away.
CalWORKs Family Self Sufficiency Office Locations
What To Bring When Applying For CalWORKs Cash Aid?
Other Information Needed When Applying For CalWORKs Cash Aid