Formerly known as group home, Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) was established effective January 1, 2017 by Assembly Bill 403 (Chapter 773, Statutes of 2015. STRTP is a residential facility operated by a public agency or private organization that provides the following services:
- Integrated program of specialized and intensive care and supervision, services and supports, and treatment
- Short-term 24-hour care and supervision to children and non-minor dependents
The care and supervision provided by a STRTP are non-medical, except as otherwise permitted by law. At a minimum, STRTP must comply with the following requirements in order to provide services:
- Be Medi-Cal certified to provide the following Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS) as medically necessary:
- Mental Health Services
- Crisis Intervention
- Medication Support
- Targeted Case Management
- Provide access to other mental health services based on individual need(s)
Additionally, STRTP may have a specialized program to serve the following populations:
- A commercially sexually exploited child
- A private, voluntary placement if the youth exhibits any of the following:
- Status-offender behavior
- Parents or other relatives feel they cannot control the child’s behavior
- Short-term intervention is needed to transition the child back into the home
- A juvenile sex offender
- A child who is affiliated with, or impacted by a gang
For more information, click here: Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs.
Additionally, STRTP may have a specialized program to serve the following populations:
- A commercially sexually exploited child
- A private, voluntary placement if the youth exhibits any of the following:
- Status-offender behavior
- Parents or other relatives feel they cannot control the child’s behavior
- Short-term intervention is needed to transition the child back into the home
- A juvenile sex offender
- A child who is affiliated with, or impacted by a gang
For more information, click here: Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs.