Child/Elder/Dependent Adult
Child Abuse Reporting - Call 714-940-1000 or 800-207-4464 (24-hour hotline)
Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting - Call 800-451-5155 (24-hour hotline)

Child Abuse Reporting
- Why Report - Provides information, including facts about child abuse, as to why it is important to report child abuse.
- Definitions - Provides information regarding definitions of what is child abuse
- Making a Report - Provides information on the community's role in making a child abuse.
- Mandated Reporters - Provides detailed information on who is mandated to report child abuse. Links to necessary forms to follow up the initial call are included.
- Confidentiality - Provides information on confidentiality and anonymous reporting of child abuse.
- After the Report - Provides information as to what happens after a child abuse report has been taken.
If you would like to discuss or report child abuse, you may call 714-940-1000 or 800-207-4464, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting
The abuse of elders and dependent adults occurs at all income levels and in every city in Orange County. An elder is a person of age 60 or older. A dependent adult is a person between the ages of 18 and 59 with physical, mental, or developmental disabilities. The full scope of elder and dependent abuse is limited due to the problem's hidden and complex nature. Over 225,000 Californians become victims each year, but experts believe the problem to be much larger. Victims often remain silent because they fear retaliation from their abusers. Many times victims remain unnoticed and untreated because they are isolated.
Whether you are a victim or suspect the abuse of someone you know, you are not alone when seeking help!
Call Orange County Adult Protective Services 800-451-5155 (24-hour hotline)
After the report a social worker will respond immediately in an emergency or within 10 calendar days of the report. . .
Names of reporting parties are confidential and will not be revealed to the victim, their family or the alleged abuser.
- Elder and Dependent Adult Home Page - Further describes population served and eligibility
- Why Report? - Explains why reporting is important and how it can assist the victim
- Definitions - Explains the different categories of elder and dependent adult abuse
- Making a Report - Phone numbers to call; link to the Long Term Care Ombudsman's website
- Mandated Reporters (those required by law to report elder and dependent adult abuse) - Explains who mandated reporters are, gives step by step mandated reporting, and has link to State of California required abuse form for mandated reporters.
- Confidentiality - Explains reporter's name is confidential
- After the Report - Describes what happens after a report is made
- Related Resources - Other resources for elder and disabled persons